Spam here, p0x
I've hardly been around.
Age 33, Male
Location not disclosed
Joined on 12/29/06
Posted by Dosensuppen - June 4th, 2011
You know what's something I get but I honestly don't deserve? The attention I get. It's small, sure. But I get things like Wiki articles, recognition of (misinformation) being a moderator (Confusion between Review or BBS with, what I am, an icon mod), and treated by some users as a hero in flash -- my flash sucks.
Then I looked at the users that had me as a favorite author. It's strange. But, it bothered me. I was on the list of favorite authors on one user's list. With great artists like Afro-Ninja, Newgrounds legends, if you want to call it, like Krinkels. Sure, all it takes is one flash that someone found funny and they'll slap you on the favorite, but with all those award winning users -- every one of them had at least one award, I was there. I know it doesn't mean much, but still, how undeserving I am.
I don't know, it's minute. It doesn't mean a damn thing. It's about as meaningful as a friend request on Facebook. Just a personal thing with me.
Posted by Dosensuppen - June 2nd, 2011
Kinda hoping it would have got a nicer score. Oh well.
Soup Squad 4 Lyfe
Awww ....
Posted by Dosensuppen - June 2nd, 2011
Had you all happy too. LOLOLOLOLOLOPLOEKGnhrEKLISMNhbitfsonhb iwaer dicks
Posted by Dosensuppen - May 24th, 2011
This will be a little list of users that I'll keep around to remind me of who they are -- shitheads. Now, what qualifies as a shithead? Well, wikipedia says "Shithead is an insulting term for a person that is ignorant, narrow minded, cruel, and/or unintelligent." Sounds about right to me. Well, users who I see these actions displayed, or through popular suggestion, I will add to the list. It's an award by many standards, though.
- MikeyS9607: I respect him for making as much flash as he has (as shitty as they may be), and for following a dream, if he has one. However, Mikey is extremely narcissistic (irony), he believes he should only get positive feedback and will not take any form of criticism -- constructive or otherwise. On the BBS he further shows such as narcissism by constantly claiming how he wants to be able to ban and delete certain people from reviewing his flashes. Many members have also tired of his complaining of how he feels like his stuff doesn't get enough respect, including Malachy. He has suggested that new users ignore criticism. And finally he has mentioned that he marks anything below a five (assuming on his own flashes) as abusive. On his own profile page, he bans people from commenting on his newspost and instantly blocks them from sending him PMs if so much as a negative statement is made about him. Safe to say, Mikey is a shithead. Edit: The shit head has made a newspost further stating he wants only positive feedback by stating he wants total control of his reviewers.
- Firewolf109: was once a shithead. He has gotten better over the past few months, or he has rode into the sunset. He was famous on the BBS for creating a website titled Online Troll Hunters in a sad belief that he could stop trolls. He has showed a huge lack of intelligence, arrogance, and childish posts, causing many users to feel negative towards him and has won the Worst Poster Award for 2010. Much controversy has been surrounded because of him and he has ticked off even members of the staff. Overall, the kid wasn't so bad, he was better than Mikey and seems tolerable now, mostly due to low activity.
- Narcissy: A huge shithead. Really, there's no need to go in detail. He made this list, but it would be incomplete without him.
- Im-a-pirate: A cute little ball of hatred. He is a rather frequent poster on the BBS. Yet, many of his posts are filled with constant insults, often about the intelligence of his fellow posters. When getting into an argument on the BBS, he always resorts to shouting many "hurtful" words over and over again, thinking he is "pwning" the one he's arguing with. He cannot simply resort to fact and reason, merely being an asshole. He is also known to be an attention whore with a "I'm Leaving Newgrounds" thread -- whilst retaining his angry, hormonal teenager, "I insult your intelligence via internet" attitude. His narcissism is through the roof and only capitalized by Mikey. I guess the internet makes him feel immortal and can say what he wants. But hey, he's a pirate.
- Stereocrisis: You know, it's a real shame, but I used to like the guy. But, he came up and started making claims that we're all stupid, getting fucked over, and Tom is a rich corporate ass. I can understand someone wanting a bit more money for their work, I can. However, even though we all explained why we aren't all getting paid a lot, and how business and the art/business world works, he still thought Tom was rich out of his ass and we're all foolish. When everyone disagreed with him, he flew off the handle and called everyone who disagreed idiotic stoners. It's actually quite laughable. Here's the thread.
- ngman7: A troll who acts like a self righteous Christian and types many of his posts WITH LOTS OF CAPS when IN AN ARGUMENT. He claims to be a 30 year old, god fearing man who likes cartoons and wants to know what the kids are up to. He really doesn't like me since I called him on his trolling. He sent several PMs to me to bitch, whilst saying he doesn't care. Irony.
More shitheads to follow.