Can I help?
I've hardly been around.
Age 33, Male
Location not disclosed
Joined on 12/29/06
Can I help?
Depends. How, exactly, would you help?
well..maybe if my exams clear up..
You're a bit young, if the age on your profile is correct. You may be suited to doing Winnie.
Okay you fucking scab faggots, Get the fuck away from my boss.
I could volunteer for voiceacting if you ever need me to, I've had practice from family who can sing better than I, but I wouldn't mind giving a shot at it, besides maybe I'll put the two years of learning and practice into action, or not your call. Also Mobile post.
Sure, give it a few test runs.
you scarab fucker
Scarab's gone, man.
Okay! Tested my mic, my voice sounded crap. It doesn't help that I get embarrassed when my parents look over to see why the hell I'm talking into the mic, since I almost always never do so.
I call dibs voicing Winkie, if not Winnie.
We'll see.