Well, hello there. It is me, Esshole. You may not know me from Newgrounds, that is to be expected. Well, recently I started a thread called, "Ask an esshole" ... which was a thread you would ask me any questions and people claimed I was ripping on Elfers, whoever that is, thread. I was not, I'm sure there have been many "Ask me a qustion thread". At any rate, Two hours later, a thread titled "Ask A Mexican"popped up. I'm sure that was a co-winky-dink.
Well, today, there are a numerous amount of ask a question threads popping up by the second. Each one parodying the other.
Why is the BBS more idiotic today then ever?
Not to worry, it's taken care of now.
Yeah, saw that after I posted this.
Surprised you mods didn't act sooner. :P