There's this guy who sent me a PM trying advertise his work and all.
Sent 2 hours ago
Thanks for leaving a comment on SoupSquad's animation which I had a song on with Aaron Musslewhite (hyperventilate). I also wanna invite you to my music page - always something new over there (just click link below!)
Sent 1 hour ago
Well I think you better recognize what the fuck songs you take...that song from Aaron Musslewhite had my vocals on it...God u fuckin animators are so narcissistic
Sent 2 minutes ago
I didn't animate it. Someone else did. I have no access to it. You'd know that if you actually check who submitted it.
You really have absolutely no idea what in the world Soup Squad is. It's a group.
By the way, you're calling me narcissistic and here you are trying to advertise your work to every single person who makes a comment with your music. You're doing the best you can to try to gain any form of publicity. I heard your biggest defense was boasting your fan statistic.
Seriously, you're hilarious.
Sent 9 hours ago
Enjoy being blocked!
And that does it for the pms.
The hilarity of this guy. He came in very uneducated about who I was, who the group was, and gets angry when I call him on his tactics.
Sure, I can understand the irritation he must feel for someone not crediting his song. But neither I, nor does the Soup Squad account have that access. And he'd know that if he looked at the portal and see the FIRST account listed is neither of those two. Why get snippy at me? I didn't do it. And that review was OLD. It took me looking through flashes to even figure out what he was talking about, as well as looking at his song collection.
In case you're wondering...
In which he did credit the MAIN author of the flash.
This guy....
guy advertises to me too, and tbh i rarely even browse the audio portal
fucking weird shit
I never really bother it except the rare occasion.