I've hardly been around.

Canned Soup @Dosensuppen

Age 33, Male


Location not disclosed

Joined on 12/29/06

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8,080 / 8,090
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6.91 votes
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

Dosensuppen's News

Posted by Dosensuppen - March 20th, 2011

To simply Derrick ... thoughts?

Posted by Dosensuppen - March 16th, 2011

And Narcissy said. "Let there be Fab!"
Narcissy: 3/16.

Anyhow, I decided to reopen the Fab Faction as a strictly Forum Group, for now. I do not know how to be Fab as well as some of the others. Those who wish to join, may. Until someone wants to work with me, and has skill, there will be no flashes released under the Fab Faction name.

I want to continue overseeing the run and rule of the Fab Faction, but I want it to be an oligarchy. Someone who is fab shall look over day to day operations of the Fabs, and I will continue to work on the graphics. I will no longer be narcissistic when looking at the site. I shall only stroke me ego on my own time.

To my old members: I am sorry for being such a jackass. I suppose I wanted more organization and more flash work such as the Clock Crew or Kitty Krew. The problem, I failed to realized, is that we weren't them. If we wanted, we could have been like KK, but I did not want that. For now, Fab Faction will only be what they are best -- Fabulous!
The fabs were meant to have fun, lawless! And, within reason, that's what it will be!

Will my members return? Will we grow into fabulous proportions? I do not know, but we'll see.


Posted by Dosensuppen - March 5th, 2011


Trolls. It appears that many people are unable to spot internet trolls -- there are even some who have never heard the phrase. Well, allow me to help some of you people
What is a troll?
The term troll, when used online, means someone who goes on the Internet to make people mad for a laugh. In a sense they're like imps in mythology, which is probably a more appropriate term for them. You may read more about trolls on this wiki page.

Huh, I went to the BBS and some people were calling the OP a troll. Does that mean he is?
Not necessarily, at the midway through this post I'll give you a list to identify trolls. Use that list ONLY as a second opinion. You deciding a troll is your choice only. However, the sad truth is, many people will call someone a troll, when they really are not.

So, what is not a troll?
- Someone who disagrees with you.
- Someone who has an opinion
- Someone who likes something you don't like

Basically, people are calling someone a troll because they don't agree on a subject and they're trying to discredit them?
In a nutshell, yes.

So, how do I identify a troll?
Real, legit trolls can be identified due to their profiled actions. Allow me to make a list:

1.) Post strange images -- usually of funny faces, or disturbing images.
2.) Use of wretched grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
3.) Host an aura of stupidity. Meaning that they'll ask questions any preteen would know the answer to -- however, this is a bit tricky and could be confused with stupidity/inexperience.
4.) Heavy use on memes.
5.) Try to start a fight with controversial subjects on a regular basis.
6.) Direct insults on a community.
7.) Copypasta. IThis usually will follow Number 6, but in a long block of text. Most trolls wouldn't waste their time writing out a big paragraph for any reason.
8.) Random insult to any user for no reason.
9.) Overuse of a certain theme -- particularly homosexuality and Nazism. For some reason the find that funny. This could follow mentioning the word "fag" a lot or placing pictures of Hitler on their profile page.
--- Newgrounds specific-----
10.) If a user is on the BBS is barely active all of which their posts are about something as stupid as conspiracy theories, they're likely just trolls with a gimmick.
11.) The most obvious way to tell if a troll is a troll is seeing is if they're users with Level 1, Neutral Aura, Male. and N/A age. They may also have an age that's really high up if they're more active trolls.
12.) Now, though a bit more tricky, trolls may make a thread on the day that they sign up. However, though they may seem like idiots and likely trolls, it could be that they're new BBS comers and happen to be on a very rocky start.
13.) Mass amount of spam Flashes.
14.) Common themed reviews.

Gee wizz! So, if they hit a lot of these they're trolls?!
In my mind, I would say yes. However, as stated, I would like to reiterate that you should only use this list as an adviser. They may not be a troll, it's easy to confuse stupidity with trolling.

Okay, so AS YOUR OPINION, what would you say would be a good amount of checks before deciding someone is a troll? How many hits on your list should the person get before deciding if they're trolls?
My opinion? I would say if they hit three or four they're likely trolls.

So, what should I do if I come across a troll?
PMs? Ignore it, block sender. Reviews? Mark as abusive. BBS? Tell a mod.

They keep insulting me! Should I reply to them and tell them off?
That's what they want, so no.

What if I tell everybody on a thread that the person is a troll?
Doesn't really matter. You're only helping to feed the troll, so to speak.

So, basically, all I need to do is ignore it, and maybe report the thread and everything will be hunky-dory?

So, is this for every troll?
Not even. This is mainly a guide for finding "fail trolls." Generally, they're easy to spot. However, a number of people still fall for their tricks.

Thanks for the information, but I have some questions of my own.
That is fine. You may either leave the question in the comment box or you may send me a PM, if you wish to keep things more private.


Well, this is all I have for now, as time moves on I'll add more. If some people want to me to add some things that are reasonable to the list, I'll be grateful.

Have a good day.

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 28th, 2011

Now, before we start this list, allow me to stay that the first thing to consult is, you guessed it, the rules. However, this list will be more than "Hey, nub, read the rules". So, please read, if you want to go on.

I've noticed a string of newbies coming in for the year 2011 and many of which are asking some questions. I'm not the most well-known, regarded, or even best poster on the BBS, but I do think at least once a day, someone clicks my name. I'm not the most well behaved either -- I've had my fair share of bannings over the months. So, for the new user who just clicked a name because that user was a regular, here this is:


How should I act?
It would be best to act as if you've been there your whole life. Be considerate of your fellow users, be respectful. There is also the Newgrounsd FAQ II which perhaps does a better job explaining certain things than I do.

What if a user has insulted me?
It's the internet. Getting mad at the user is very pointless. It would be best to ignore the user and move on. However, if you respond to him, do so in a state explaining your positioning, do not lose your temper. Shouting "stfu faggot!" Will get you no where. In some cases, it will even get you a ban.

Okay, the user keeps insulting me. What should I do?
Move on, it's likely a troll. Contacting a forum moderator would be very advisable.


What should I post?
Anything that would be considered interesting, discussable, and useful. However, be sure to keep it in the correct Forum -- Art related post goes to Art forum, see?

How should I post?
Simply with an appropriate title that let's the user know what your thread is about, and decently descriptive original post -- that doesn't necessarily have to be three or more paragraphs long, just descriptive -- and has some discussion worthy value.

I suck at grammar and spelling, is that a problem?
To an extent, yes. We must be able to read and understand your post. It is likely some users will be very unappreciative of illegible sentences, and for good reason. Take your time to read through everything you're about to post before doing so.

Can I make a funny post?
There's no rule against it. Some of the community hate unserious topics with a passion, where in the same light, some love it. If it's actually funny (not, "LOL BIG COCK" as the title with a rooster in the first post) it should be fine. But note: when making such topics, be sure not to spam with shitty memes and absolute stupidity -- use wit, or perhaps risk a ban. It should also be noted that General can appreciate a good joke more than the other Forums.

I found an interesting article, can I make a thread about it?
Absolutely! Many of the more renown regulars often make threads based on articles. It's something to discuss and debate. However, be sure to make sure the topic is relevant to today, and hasn't been posted before.

What about Photoshop threads?
Photoshop threads are usually hit or miss, most of the time miss. If you have a decent base picture, you may strike gold, most of them usually last two to three pages though. Where others can go up to twenty or more pages.

What about threads over controversial subjects? (IE Race, Religion, Sexism, Homosexuality, War, National Pride, Circumcision, Ect)
As much as I don't like threads like these, personally, there is no rule against them. They usually wind up getting filled with baseless argument, repetitive points, and absolute mayhem. There are a few diamonds in the rough, but for the most time, it's the slums. Many threads get made of these and usually wind up getting locked due to the "beating a dead horse" feel.


So, what threads usually get locked?
Although what determines this factor would be the original post(er) and how a thread turns out, there is a sort of profiled script for this.
- Hi, I'm New/Returning/Leaving threads
- Photoshop threads that ran their course
- Controversial threads that go down the crapper
- Pointless threads that get bumped regularly for the sake of the OP's ego
- Threads with no discussion value-- ranging from a thread with little to no detail in the OP, a thread developed for sharing a "fact", or one developed to share an image
- Threads made to ask a question to mods
- Threads made directed to a particular, often admins and renown mods for joking purposes
- Threads that could have been placed in the OP's news post
- Threads designed for image dumping

What threads get deleted?
Threads that get deleted, though there still many are, don't happen as often as simply locking, here is a small list:
- Spam threads
- Threads to share a single image
- Crappy joke threads
- Parody threads, usually when there are a series of parody threads being made
- Threads created for meme purposes - can go under crappy joke

Where can I find some really great threads?
Here's an account dedicated to this sort of thing with a news post linking to many threads.

General Questions
Most questions that you have may be answered more descriptively in Forum Rules and Newgrounds FAQ. However, I will still answer them in my own language here.

Hey, how do I edit my avatar?
On Newagrounds, we separate ourselves from other run-of-the-mill Boards by having a uniformed feel on the "avatars." The avatars are actually called" level icons," and you can change it by voting on five flashes every Ground Golds Day and gain experience points to boost your level icon to a new weapon. Here is a complete list of all the level icons and how much experience points it takes to get to a new level.

Neato! Hey, what's with the colored backgrounds on all the level icons?
Those are called auras, my friend. There once was a time when your aura was based on how you voted, but due to the extreme abuse of it, auras are now chosen by the user. Like role playing games, aura represent your "alignment".
Neutral - Green
Light - Blue
Evil - Red
Dark - Black/Gray
Fab - Pink
The Level Page that I linked you to earlier has the complete list of the level icons and display how each icon looks with a different aura. Also, you may change your aura here.

Wait, I seen some users with golden auras! I Who are they? I want one!
Those are the moderators on Newgrounds, which you should find a list on the FAQ of all the Newgrounds Moderators. Moderators who get this aura are either
- Forum Mods
- Review Mods
- Audio Mods
- Art Mods

How come Icon Mods don't get a golden aura?
There are many users who are icon moderators. And often they would be contacted over matters of the forum, being mistaken for forum moderators. So, things were would be very hectic if they were given golden auras again.

Hey, how do I become a mod???
You cannot ask to be a mod, except maybe an Icon mod. You have to prove your worth and the administrators. If you post well, help your fellow users, and seem trustworthy, you'll likely get asked, but I cannot speak for the admins.

I seen some mods posting and they had some handsome faces instead of weapon icons ... who are they?
Those were not mods, but in fact members of the staff. The staff members are employees of Newgrounds. Unlike some corporation owned websites, you will actually see them posting on the threads and chatting it up with their users.

Oh. So, who's like the head-honcho of Newgrounds?
Good old Thomas Fulp. Tom is the founder of Newgrounds, and creator of some of its most legendary games. Tom's activity on the forums are usually limited, he will mainly post Newgrounds News and give the Icon Mods some tasks to do.
His brother, Wade Fulp, is far more active in the forums. Wade is an administrator and handles many of the tasks on Newgrounds and is often look at as the mod of mods.

Oh, very interesting. Hmmm ... hey, I want a sig! How do I get them? How big can they be? Where do I get to add it?
Settle down, let me tell you. Sigs can be added here. The limit of size is 599x50 pixels. You may request a sig here.

Thanks for the information, but I have some questions of my own.
That is fine. You may either leave the question in the comment box or you may send me a PM, if you wish to keep things more private.

Well, this is all I have for now, as time moves on I'll add more. If some moderators or regulars wish to add to the every growing list of good rules of thumb or important information, I'll be more than happy to add.

Have a good day.

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 22nd, 2011

Well, I have a certain style with my sigs, that uses the aura and emotes of Newgrounds and works them together. This has my name in the middle and my emotes, colored by the aura, to the sides. I decided to make my sigs and then test them out, see what they look like.

Blue - Cool
Fab - Blush
Neutral - Tired
Dark - Blank
Evil - Mad
Mod - Excited

So, what do you think? Suggestions?

Narcissy Style Sigs

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 21st, 2011

Out of all the reviews I ever got THIS one is my favorite!

My Favorite Review

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 20th, 2011

Why are you on my userpage?

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 19th, 2011


5k posts

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 18th, 2011


Am I funny, yet?

Posted by Dosensuppen - February 16th, 2011

Nope, don't understand at all, Poozy.

Doing The Time