I've hardly been around.

Canned Soup @Dosensuppen

Age 33, Male


Location not disclosed

Joined on 12/29/06

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8,080 / 8,090
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6.91 votes
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11m 30d

Dosensuppen's News

Posted by Dosensuppen - January 24th, 2011

Well, I made a Flash recently with a good score right out the gate! Very first I ever had that happen - thank you for all the good reviews, everyone.

Here's P-Bot's Posting for that day - http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 26782

And here's my flash - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Anyhow, I feel good that I got that kinda of reception. It, however, is a shame that I uploaded the day to Locks submission were submitted. I got outshined. Not that they don't deserve it, the Locks are great. I just should have chose a different day. I probably would have actually got in the top five!

Anyhow, it was rather well received, I may make a sequel to Facebook Girl. I'm sure you're all dieing to know what has happened to Amy Bell. Will her and Brad get back together? Did she pass her test? Is that spider still dead? Will she stop using Facebook? Who knows?

Anyhow, I know I'm not the best flash creator - obviously. But, for now, I'm gonna enjoy my achievement. May be the only time I can.

Still ... THAT CLOSE to getting Daily Fifth. Man ...

I got Daily 6th Place Flash

Posted by Dosensuppen - January 19th, 2011

Lots of people knew this already, or had hunches, but to shut some of you fuckers, who still talk about him, up, I decided to post this.

A while ago there was a thread claiming he was a troll. That he had a master plan, you can find it's scattered remains here.

I decided to shoot him a PM calling him an idiot. What happened with the conversation? You may read it in the following links.

Please note, and don't fucking ask, that the reason I have purple buttons and stuff is because I have the Fabgrounds Greasemonkey theme - here. Read the thread if you don't know what Greasemonkey is.
Now, for the PM with Firewolf:
: The end. After that he just asked me stupid shit like what he should get for his birthday party.

Now, you're probably thinking, "Why would he just tell you this?"

Firewolf and I have a bit of history. When he first gained notoriety, he was asking help to put an end to the trolls on his website, Online Troll Hunters. It was designed to put an end to trolls (lolwut) thus it attracted trolls. He came to the BBS asking for help, I was one of the few, very few, who said "Okay". Became a mod, and started locking the threads on his site. Why? E-Power, wasn't so hot, and boredom. Later, after he locked the forums, I became an admin, along with a person claiming to be Moot. After a while, I got fed up with his arrogance, came back out of boredom, then deleted the links, hypocritical of something another user did, there to piss him off. Of course, I wasn't an admin over there, anymore. I admit what I did was childish - something I would never do to Newgrounds, or any other website that was ran by someone with sense and consideration.

So, with that history, Fire thought he could trust me with his information. Not right. I accepted never to tell, and decided to get my "scepter" over his site again, just to fuck around his site and talk to "Moot" - that Moot is pretty cool.

So, I had this information for quite some time. Why am I telling you this? Mainly to tell you that you been trolled, and that now it is best to not talk about him. I'm taking this moment of hypocrisy to tell you to shut up about him. You're giving him what he wants.

I will admit, he had a very good trolling idea, but poor execution. I'll give credit where credit is due.

Anyhow, I guess that's it. Mirror my post if you want to spread the blatantly obvious news of our 2010 Worst Poster. Or don't, I don't really fucking care.

Th-th-th-that's all, folks.

Guess What Firewolf109 is?

Posted by Dosensuppen - January 17th, 2011

Last updated: 4/4/2011

01. The Sonic collection - 4
02. Castlevania Collection - 29
03. The Legend of Zelda Collection - 44
04. Mario Collection - 104
05. Halo Collection - 75
06. Metriod Collection - 33
07. AngelnX - 8
08. Darkkenije - 4
09. dekathos - 13
10. DonutMaster - 10
11. dreadslick - 6
12. epyon5 - 11
13. esspat - 26
14. ForgetReality - 7
15. Golemcc - 8
16. Grumo - 1
17. Keith2002 - 13
18. MagicMan - 11
19. tommysusername - 6
20. Vencelfoote - 1

Total: 414

More to come.


Posted by Dosensuppen - November 28th, 2010

What did Tom get me for my birthday - January the 14?

Icon Mod position.

Icon Mod

Posted by Dosensuppen - November 26th, 2010

People have asked me, "Where's Esshole? What happened to Esshole?" Well, let me tell you. I am Esshole's twin brother, Narcissy. Now, me and Esshole never really got along, but I did respect him, no matter how much of an ass he was, he was an asshole, really.

One day, however, he went for a walk and came across a burning apartment. People screaming, kids crying. Then, someone shouted, "My daughter and dog is in there!" For once, the bastard decided to be a good an, and ran into the building - playing the hero. Esshole ran through fire, smoke, and fear, looking for the kid. He finally found her, and the dog, he picked up the girl and ran back to the door. "Thank you!" She told him, "But where's Poochy? My poochy's still in there!" Esshole then ran back in looking for the dog. Luckily, the dog found it's way out and, running past Esshole. The crowd cheered for the safety of everyone. Esshole began to make his way to the door, during the creeks and rumble of the arpartment building. The crowd looked upon the hero past the smoke as it collapsed upon him. Minutes past before the fire department finally made it to the scene to put out th blaze of ruined homes. They found Esshole crushed under former homes and burned to the bone. He did not survive.

I ask you, was Esshole such an esshole, after all?

Esshole Is Singing With The Angels

Posted by Dosensuppen - November 22nd, 2010

I don't want to sound like I'm promoting child-abuse, or anything. Which I don't, I'm COMPLETELY against child abuse.

But I got to say, during the EricDOUGLACE event, soooooooooo many people were ready to hurt a kid (That person turned out to be a troll, no less). Anyhow, I must ask, if you were ever at a Newgrounds Meet, and this annoying runt showed up, WOULD you hurt him? Or at least backhand him?

I wouldn't, I would want to, but I wouldn't.

Edit: Some of you may or may not know this. However, I was an admin of Firewolf's little shit site, Onlinetrollhunters. I decided to help the kid out, you know? Didn't think he was too bad, but he's a little annoying cunt-nugget. He didn't listen to wiser words and he had an annoying arrogances about him. So, one day, I decided to make a site simply to say "Fuck you"! Also Freeweb, I didn't do really anything with it. I made it, "for the lulz". Anyhow, you want t see it, it's called TrollGrounds.

----------Screenshot from Luis' Newspost--------------

Would you beat the hell outta this kid?

Posted by Dosensuppen - September 9th, 2010

Due to a dream I had, the term fuck, while on Newgrounds is now fulp.

For instance:
1. "Shut the fulp up!"
2. "That's just fulping crazy!"
3. "I wanna fulp Tarah!"
4. "What the shit is this fulp?"
5. "It's mother fulping Tom Fulp!"
6. "Gooooooo fulp yourself!"
7. "Oh fulp!"
8. "What the fulp?" - WTF is still usable
9. "Oh fulp you!"
10. "I'm fulpin' Esshole!"

As for the dream? Here is the link to a thread about it:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 96907

Users goin' with the fulpin' term:
1. Esshole - The guy who had that fulping dream
2. Hyrcia- Perhaps not using it all the time, but has directed the term to Esshole as a joke. What a fulper!
3. Shmossy- This mother fulper made the first definitions and made it "official"
4. tarahloveshentai- Began to say "fulp" more often. She loves the idea.
5. cast- Told Esshole to go fulp himself. And he's a fulpin' MOD!

Posted by Dosensuppen - September 6th, 2010

It says I make at least one post a day!


Posted by Dosensuppen - September 3rd, 2010

Stop playing with yourself and PM me! I'm bored!

Posted by Dosensuppen - September 2nd, 2010

Okay, no more teasing.


Hot Naked Pics of Narcissy